(the most obvious one) your aim is a little to much to the left, quickly tap the D key. In a lot of situations your gut feeling will tell you your aim is of and in those situations its often easier to fix it with your keyboard than with your mouse. Use your character movement to balance out your natural inconsistencies. The solution is to incorporate your movement in your aiming. Unless your aim is counterstrike pro levels you simply don't have the precision to rely on your mouse alone. This is more of a gameplay tip than a knowledge tip.Īiming is not the sole responsibility of your mouse. You might already be doing this but just in case. You and your DBS are the best shot your team can get against the Scrake. Most people are still stuck with tier 2 weapons and cannot effectively kill Scrake. Scrake appears in Wave 2 (medium game) or Wave 3 (long game). If a Zerk is tanking the big zed, carefully stand behind and do the magdumping. Demo usually knocks FP/SC after 1st shot, allowing to pull off your AA12/DBS and unload its mag on the zeds.

In the case the team has no Sharpshooter, let the Demo and Berserker to open the first shot on the big guys. When your teammates' takedown fails and the zed start raging take out your AA12/DBS and help him finish it. While you are able to dish out massive damage against big zeds, you should leave the big zeds takedown to Sharpshooter (Sharp can oneshot Scrake and 2-shot FP).

Your job as Support is to clean trash on the front line together with Berserker/Firebug/SWAT. Replace the SG-500 with Trench Gun later after you have both AA12 and DBS. SG-500 and DBS are literally all you need for early waves (wave 1-5). The massive recoil from the alt fire knocks you back, allowing to jump really high/back far. You can kite big zeds by jumping while shooting. DBS can actually kill Fleshpound in 3 well placed alt-fire headshots but it is really hard to pull off (just leave FP to Demo/Sharp). If your Sharpshooter or SWAT stuns the Scrake with Freeze Nade or Flashbang, run up to the Scrake really close and unload both both barrel into his head. Bash him again and blow the third alt fire into his head. If you do not kill the Scrake in the 2nd shot, fall back and let it finish it glowing chainsaw attack.

It allows you to kill Scrake in 2 alt fire to the head. With careful aim, you can one shot Husk, Siren, Elite Alpha Clot and Gorefast/Gorefiend too. It is like a much more aggressive version of Winchester. Trust me this tier 1 is really good with Tactical Reload, Salvo and Tight Choke. It also increases your own ammo carrying capacity too. It saves your team dosh and let your teammates freely spam their weapons in later waves without worrying about running out of ammo.